Expected Results

  • Employees should feel an increased sense of ownership and commitment to the business / organization.

  • Reduction of barriers and the feeling of "we-they" between management, sales, engineering, hourly employees, and other various divisions that are often present within an organization.

  • Increased awareness of the value of work teams for both specific projects / problem solving tasks, as well as day-to-day tasks.

  • Employees taking a more active role in leadership functions of their jobs and taking more initiative to be self-managing; therefore, requiring less direct supervision.

  • Supervision should become more of a coach and less of a minute-by-minute manager.

  • Employees should be more attuned to satisfying the needs of their customers, both internally and externally.

  • A good foundation for Quality Improvement should be in place at all levels of the organization.

  • Employees should have a greater understanding of the importance of continuous improvement in all aspects of their jobs.

  • Improved communication and interpersonal relationships between employees.

  • Increased problem solving and effective meeting skills.

  • Improvement in attendance and turnover rate.

J.W. Murphy & Associates
2630 Peniel Road
Columbus, North Carolina 28722
Telephone: (828) 894-0104
E-Mail: murphys@teammurphy.com