Philosophy of Approach

  • We believe very strongly in an approach that puts a process of improvement in motion, rather than a specific program.

  • There is no cookbook for success. We simply try to assist the organization in changing the culture of the group from the traditional supervisor / employee relationship to a group of people, with various responsibilities, that work together to achieve common goals and results.

  • When we, as an organization's partner in this effort, are successful, we will have worked ourselves out of a job with them as the new thinking processes become more and more internally generated.

  • A significant change in the working culture can take up to five years, understanding that growth and many successes will happen during that time.

  • We suggest the formation of work teams for specific projects / problem solving, as well as day-to-day operations.

  • Employee Involvement and Quality Improvement are close companions and cannot be separated.

  • Continuous improvement, of all aspects of the business, is essential to remain competitive in the today's global market. This includes improvement in utilization of human resources, technology, quality, etc.

  • All parts of the organization must see value in the process for it to be successful. Part of our task is to help people see value in changing their work philosophy.

  • A change in employees' motivation to do their job because they want to, instead of the traditional because they have to, will make them more effective.

  • We view Employee Involvement and Quality Improvement not as a "thing to do", but rather, "a way to do things".

J.W. Murphy & Associates
2630 Peniel Road
Columbus, North Carolina 28722
Telephone: (828) 894-0104